The BEST Day Ever! It was a sparkling warm day in September when Harford County, Maryland held its 4th annual Healthy Harford Day. This family-friendly event drew upwards of 1,500 people to experience live cooking demonstrations, exercise classes, free bike helmets, free health screenings, free massages, nutrition tips and information, children’s activities and a boatload […]
Healthy Dining Tips
BECOME RESTAURANT SAVVY! Restaurant meals typically contain as much as 60 percent more calories than the same dishes prepared at home. You can sabotage your healthy eating and weight loss goals if you don’t make wise choices. Here are some tips that will make you restaurant savvy: 1. Know Before You Go Go online and […]
Vegan or Paleo?
What are the Similarities, Differences and Caveats? Two popular diets right are now are Veganism and Paleolithic (Paleo for short). There are a boatload of blogs, books and documentary films making a case for one ideology or another. When asked in which camp I land, I say, “Both and neither. (How’s that for being noncommittal?)” […]
Are you a Met? The Alternative Metabolism
Just a few years ago, I thought I was doing everything right—diet, exercise, healthy lifestyle—but my numbers kept creeping toward prediabetes. What I didn’t know then was that I have what I now call an Alternate Metabolism. I, along with 30-70% of the population, was born with the genetic predisposition to improperly handle carbohydrates: breads, […]
Responsible Drinking (of Juice)
Juicing and green drinks have become chic and popular these days. Although I don’t juice often, I have joined the ranks of those who find juicing appealing for the benefit of packing in a lot of nutrients into a palatable and convenient form. I like it when people get more non-glycemic veggies into their diets, […]
Better Bones: Preventing Osteoporosis
Throughout your lifetime you’ve naturally been losing bone and building it back. For many there comes a point when they start losing more bone than they can replace. For women this often occurs around perimenopause or menopause. Osteoporosis is a progressive disease that manifests in low bone mineral density, thus making the individual susceptible to […]