Freedom & Healing With Nutrition &
Lifestyle Changes
The Mission of Lindy Ford Nutrition & Wellness is to inspire you
by revealing the truth about nutrition and health that leads you to greater freedom.
Why Choose Lindy Ford Nutrition & Wellness?
- Personlized Plans
- Functional Protocols
- High Level Accountability
- Emotional Support
Your optimal health is Lindy’s goal.
She practices clinical nutrition in a functional way–getting to the root of the problem. This method is more challenging and takes more patience, but it is much more effective for you. She is known to play “nutrition detective” and analyzes every aspect of your health. It’s hard work, but it gives you a much better chance for lifelong success.
Lindy’s Practice is Different
Lindy does not apply a cookie cutter approach to nutritional care.
To get to the root of the problem, Lindy takes the time to analyze your medical history, blood labs, a hormone health profile as well as food journals to develop your custom plan. Each nutritional healing plan is individualized to ensure every person’s unique needs are met.
Expect a high degree of accountability working with Lindy. Patients check in weekly to closely monitor their progress and adjust their plan as needed. She doesn’t see patients just one time. Her service levels start at two weeks and progress as long as the patient needs. Levels are prorated down the higher the level. Lindy sees people from all over the continental US through video conferencing and also in person at her office in Wilmington, NC. There is no difference in care.

About Lindy Ford, RD, LDN
Lindy earned her Bachelor of Science in Dietetics/Nutritional Science from the University of Maryland. She completed her dietetic internship through the University of Iowa at Maryland University Health Care Systems. Lindy is fully credentialed nationally and holds state licensure.
Lindy’s experience includes developing and implementing a successful employee nutrition program for a Health Department in Maryland. She has also conducted nutrition wellness seminars and classes for nurses’ organizations, law enforcement, health fairs, senior centers, high school athletic teams, community and church groups and professional business organizations. She has written nutrition articles for several publications and currently is a staff writer for Acella Pharmaceuticals (NP Thyroid) on nutrition and thyroid health.
A personal health crisis a few years ago left Lindy searching for answers. Through her extensive research, she found her own freedom and healing with nutrition and lifestyle changes. Lindy now enjoys the best health, vitality and wellness she’s ever experienced. She passionately wants this for her patients as well!
What Real People Are Saying
“I’ve consistently lost pounds and inches, my mood and energy levels have gone up, my anxiety is nonexistent and I no longer take blood ”
— Kaitlynn T.
“As someone who thought they knew about health and fitness, Lindy has blown me away and given me hope for healing and a better life.”
— Dan F.
“Proudly, each week I reported my shrinking size and dropping scale numbers. I now feel confident that I am on the road to permanent weight loss & lasting health!”
— Ellen D.