“In 2001 I started having heart problems. Over the next 10 years that would include 5 stents and multiple trips to the cath lab. I was put on numerous prescription drugs. In 2011 I was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent a double mastectomy and 4 rounds of chemotherapy- which caused more heart problems. I underwent 2 heart ablations after finishing the chemo.
More prescription drugs were added, but nothing made me feel better. I spent the next several years trying to get back some of my energy and motivation. I also struggled with depression I hadn’t had previously. The prescription drugs were part of the problem. Most days I felt dizzy, nauseated and useless, the same way I felt during chemo. I had also been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.
I finally decided I needed help from someone who “thought outside the box” and I was blessed to get in touch with Lindy. Through nutritional intervention, in 3 months I was off 4 of my prescription drugs including 2 heart medications. I lost over 20 pounds and I’m walking 3-4 miles a day. I reduced my A1C and am not taking any meds for diabetes. I now have energy and motivation and my depression is most definitely gone. My family has noticed a huge difference in my outlook on life and my daughter told her dad she didn’t remember the last time I looked so content and healthy.
I don’t want to sound like a commercial but I can’t thank Lindy enough for helping me get to a much healthier place. The research she did and knowledge she shared restored my health.”