“Lindy helped me to break the hold that carbs and sugar held on my life. She performed a thorough evaluation of my situation and then customized a new lifestyle plan for me to follow. She was quick to respond to any questions or concerns I had, and her expertise and encouraging spirit were instrumental in […]
John, Age 60
“When I first was referred to Lindy Ford by my MD, I expected to get a diet regimen to assist in losing weight. What I received was far more than that. I received counseling on eating habits, where to buy healthful food products, the necessity of reading the labels on food. The plan worked for […]
Amy, Age 33
“I have suffered from anxiety for nearly 20 years. My battle with this has taken me to several therapists and doctors as well as a variety of anti-depressants, all of which had side effects and terrible withdrawal symptoms. After giving birth to my sons, my condition worsened and I once again began the cycle of […]
Shana, Licensed Psychologist, Baltimore, MD
“I have been a psychotherapist for 25 years. In caring for my clients, it became imperative that their overall health was addressed. One of the most helpful lessons I learned in grad school was “rule out the biological before you assume it is psychological.” Unfortunately, I rarely see our mental health and medical community being […]
Linda P. Calhoun, MD, FACC, Cardiologist with Cape Fear Heart Associates
“I learned about Lindy’s expertise from one of my challenging patients. I am impressed with Lindy’s knowledge regarding food and metabolism, and her ability to motivate my most challenging patients to lose weight and feel better at the same time. One of my patients who was struggling with diet has now lost 40 lbs, and […]